The whole district took the lead in opening a Japanese class, and the diverse courses broadened their students to become talented. Wuhan Xinzhou No. 3 Middle School went out to "Development+Service" E

Jimu News reporter Zhang YuanIn late April this year, Jimu reporters followed the vice president of Wuhan Xinzhou District Third Middle Sc

Jimu News reporter Zhang Yuan

In late April this year, Jimu reporters followed the vice president of Wuhan Xinzhou District Third Middle School to visit the school’s normalization “pushing the door to listen to the class”.Various characteristic classes such as media class.Wu Sihong, the head teacher of the Japanese class, has been coaching for 35 years. She said: “To develop, it is necessary to develop not only comprehensive development, but also to highlight their own personality. To cultivate unique personality students, schools must pay attention to educational characteristics innovation.”

The towering Dabie Mountains and the Yangtze River water meet here

Dajie in the multi -track

“Every child is unique and has its own ‘flowering period’.” Jiang Shuangxi, deputy principals of Xinzhou No. 3 Middle School, introduced that the best one is suitable for children., Broaden the student growth channel, allowing students to have more opportunities to choose to take advantage of the studies. Many good seedlings stand out and show their skills in diversified tracks.He revealed that in 2016, the school took the lead in opening a Japanese class in Xinzhou District. In the past 8 years, the online rate of the undergraduate line of Japanese class students reached 85%, and the online rate of special undergraduate line remained at 35%.Dream of prestigious schools.

Japanese class teaching

Xinzhou No. 3 Middle School is a rural high school located in the urban -rural junction. Many parents expect high but do not know how to help their children. This requires the school to blame and play the role of teaching and educating people.Cheng Zhengjin, secretary of the party committee of the school, introduced that in the face of the problems in the development of high school in rural areas, the school carried out a series of meaningful explorations. In recent years, in recent years, it has called the “development -service” education model in Jingchu.Development allows every student to have time and space for growth and development.

Teacher carefully counsel

To this end, Xinzhou No. 3 Middle School actively promoted curriculum reform, opened up various courses, actively developed school -based textbooks, respecting students’ unique value, personality, and thinking models, and using differences while recognizing differences to shape independent and sound personality.

Dance class is practicing

“In the past three years, the undergraduate line pass rate of the art class is 82.9%, and the online rate of undergraduate special enrollment line has reached 32%. This is the potential of the school’s development of each student, which has made each student a microcosm of success.” Jiang Shuangxi said.

Art class outdoor sketch

Wu Sihong, the head teacher of Baiyou, Xinzhou District, often said: “Teachers are like grinding stones, and each student is the responsibility of teachers.” He introduced that the school regards the quality of teaching as a lifeline.Conventional teaching and research activities such as classes, display classes and listening classes, assessment, and courses have prompted teachers to practice basic skills.At the same time, promote the reform of the “three -effect classroom” reform of efficiency, efficiency, and effects. Through collective research on new courses, practice courses, review classes and other teaching modes, teaching levels, integrated and theme.

Student sketch work

The cultural environment is also educating people

At present, the Xinzhou No. 3 Middle School has formed a three -full education system of “all employees, educating people, and fully raising people.”From the principals, teachers to employees, they must “manage educating, teaching and educating people, and serving people.”Implement the student growth mentor system, long -term follow -up, scientific response, and promote progress.

Cultivate a cultural environment

Education is not just a teacher’s business, nor does it just happen on the campus. Society is school, life is education.Xinzhou No. 3 Middle School implements a “full -day education system”, which divides students into school daily into several periods for different education and management methods.Pay attention to the development of boarding culture, so that students can adapt to the full boarding life.At the same time, enhance the ceremony and sense of the times, carry out activities such as “enrollment ceremony”, “adult ceremony”, “graduation ceremony”, etc. to achieve learning from learning to life.The school cooperates closely with the society and parents, and uses various resources to guide the moral education of students.In order to block the “education vacuum” vulnerability on the weekend, implement the interaction mechanism of educational home schools, and build platforms such as student amateur party schools and parent schools.

Leading the development of the school with “self -confidence · self -improvement” culture

Since the establishment of Jingyi Middle School in Wuchang Wutha in Wuchang Wutai in Wuchang, the third middle school of Xinzhou District Third Middle School has gradually grown into a famous school of Jingchu under the integration of the towering Dabie Mountain and the Yangtze River., Formation of activities to educate people, educate people, work and educate people, and practice to educate people’s innovative education systems.”Spring Guan Cherry Blossom Summer Appreciation, Sniffing Osmanthus in winter to find plums in autumn.” The cultural environment is the first impression of many people entering the school. In order to build a humanistic connotation, cultivate ideological and sentiment, rich aesthetic function, and inspiring innovative ideasOn the campus environment, the school focuses on cultivating students ‘subjectivity and innovative personality, giving play to students’ intelligence and wisdom, and conducting collections of gardens, buildings, and creative civilized alarm activities among students. Many originals are classics.


“The area of campus greening and beautification has reached 68%this year, and it is constantly improving. The four seasons on the campus are evergreen and flowers are often blooming. There are many ‘Internet celebrities’ attractions.Zhou Youqiao, the vice president of the middle, said that strengthening the campus environment construction can not only allow teachers and students to relax physically and mentally, but also give people a positive and beautiful hint, and be able to penetrate environmental education and labor education in depth., To find tranquility, the game enjoys joy during the game, making the school a fertile soil suitable for each student to grow.

(Source: Polar News)

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